Capital: Lhasa
Area: 1,228,400 sq km
Population: 3.6 million
Languages: Tibetan, Mandarin
Tibet, which is famously known as the “roof of the world,” is located on the Plateau of Tibet and is surrounded by huge masses of mountains. The wide area occupied by heavy masses of plateaus and mountains, including Mount Everest, makes Tibet a distinctive nation. The Arabic Tubbat, the Chinese Tufan, the Tai Thibet, and the Mongolian Thubet are the origins of the name Tibet, and the capital city is called Lhasa.
Tibet has quite the history; before the 1950s, it was an isolated country with minimal exposure. However, after the 1950s, the People’s Republic of China began its incorporation with Tibet. While the Tibetans believe the interference of China to be an attack on their sovereignty, meanwhile China believes Tibet to be its rightful part. The dispute has been ongoing for decades while Tibet tries to maintain its sovereign state. The Dalai Lama is a known exiled spiritual and temporal leader and many people, even outside of the country, follow him. And a huge number of people around the world are supporters of Tibet’s independence.
Despite all of the issues, Tibet is a beautiful country and has diverse attractions to offer for those who are interested in visiting. The autonomous region of Tibet offers a unique perspective of the Himalayas, such as Mount Everest, Mount Kailash, Cho Oyu, etc., as well as many monasteries that reflect Tibetan Buddhism. The architecture is quite different from other parts of the world.
The ethnic communities have their own identity and way of life that reflect on their spiritual following as well as their foods. Rich in culture, nature, landscapes, and biodiversity, the autonomous region of Tibet makes a beautiful destination to visit.